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IT Nation Event Website Update

November 2019 - July 2020


Adobe Illustrator


ConnectWise's event, The IT Nation, received a new theme we called "Wise Together, Rise Together", which required a complete overhaul of the website to include the theme, and focus more on user experience and event branding that we had done in the past. I was tasked with going through every IT Nation page on the site and creating mockups that solved the above requirements.


The initial overhaul of the design was tackled by documenting the needs of the site by site level, and creating a style guide for each layer of the site. Once this was nailed down, I was able to tackle each page and ensure they had consistent usages of theme elements and hierarchy. The above images were used in my initial pitch for the theme's overhaul. The site is still live and using some of these theme updates, though continually updated as events change and are added to the schedule.

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